It All Starts With Your LOAs and ESIDs

Your Letter of Authorization (LOA) authorizes your local Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) to release your entities’ previous 12 months of historical usage information.

In addition, please provide a list of Electric Service Identifiers (ESIDs), as your local TDSP and Retail Provider may refer to them for your electricity accounts.

Your TDSP will need these ESID numbers along with the completed LOA in order to provide historical data for your metered and non-metered accounts. We will provide both the signed LOA and the list of ESIDS and handle the data that they provide.

Once we receive your historical data, we will provide it to a select group of REPs, along with specific, prescribed instructions, in order to ensure offers are consistent with one another, competitive, and offer price components that minimize your entities risk, while maximizing the REPs’ value to your organization.

Note: To access your Letter of Authorization (LOA) please email to start the DocuSign process. Thank you, we look forward to serving you.